Đề cương ôn tập giữa học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh 6 năm 2023 – 2024 (Sách mới) Ôn thi giữa kì 1 Anh 6 Cánh diều, KNTT, CTST, i-Learn Smart World

Chuyên gia: Nguyễn Ngân GiangChuyên gia: Nguyễn Ngân Giang 09/07/2024
Bạn đang xem bài viết ✅ Đề cương ôn tập giữa học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh 6 năm 2023 – 2024 (Sách mới) Ôn thi giữa kì 1 Anh 6 Cánh diều, KNTT, CTST, i-Learn Smart World ✅ tại website vfu2.edu.vn có thể kéo xuống dưới để đọc từng phần hoặc nhấn nhanh vào phần mục lục để truy cập thông tin bạn cần nhanh chóng nhất nhé.

Đề cương ôn tập giữa học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh 6 năm 2023 – 2024 tổng hợp kiến thức lý thuyết quan trọng, cùng các dạng bài tập trọng tâm trong chương trình Tiếng Anh 6sách Cánh diều, Kết nối tri thức, Chân trời sáng tạo, i-Learn Smart World, giúp thầy cô giao đề cương ôn tập cho học sinh của mình.

Qua đó, cũng giúp các em học sinh lớp 6 làm quen với các dạng bài tập, ôn thi giữa học kì 1 đạt kết quả cao. Vậy mời thầy cô và các em học sinh cùng theo dõi bài viết dưới đây của vfu2.edu.vn để ôn tập, chuẩn bị thật tốt cho kỳ thi giữa học kì 1 năm 2023 – 2024:

Đề cương giữa học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh 6 – Global Success

I. VOCABULARY: From unit 1 to unit 6

* Unit 1:

– school things and activities

– verb (play, do, have, study) + Noun

* Unit 2:

– types of house

– rooms and furniture

* Unit 3:

– body parts and appearance

– personality adjectives


· Unit 1:

– Present simple [ S + be (not) +Adj/N; S + V-inf/-s/-es ; S + don’t / doesn’t +V-inf ]

– Adverbs of frequency (never, rarely, sometimes, often, usually, always)

· Unit 2:

– Possessive case (noun’s noun)

– Prepositions of place (in, on, under, in front of, behind, next to, between)

· Unit 3:

– Present continuous (S + am/is/are (not) + V-ing)



Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.

1. A. smart

B. father

C. study

D. art

2. A. lunch

B. fun

C. judo

D. sun

3. A. money

B. calm

C. class

D. heart

4. A. study

B. student

C. country

D. one

5. A. books

B. plans

C. tables

D. chairs

6. A. pens

B. flats

C. sinks

D. lamps

7. A. sofas

B. cupboards

C. sharks

D. bedrooms

8. A. beds

B. fans

C. dolls

D. months

9. A. parents

B. pencil

C. paint

D. bin

10. A. cap

B. robe

C. cup

D. help

11. A. lamp

B. bulb

C. rap

D. lip

12. A. rubber

B. cut

C. dark

D. love


Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D)

1. I do ________________ every Monday and Wednesday.

A. judo
B. football
C. baseball
D. history

2. I have History classes ________________ a week.

A. one
B. two time
C. twice
D. third times

3. I am having a math lesson but I forgot my ________________ . I have some difficulty.

A. pencil case
B. calculator
C. pen
D. bike

4. My brother ________________ to school every day.

A. walk
B. walks
C. is walking
D. walking

5. Alex studies in an ________________ school. She learns English with English- speaking teachers.

A. international
B. boarding
C. secondary
D. high

6. At break time, they play football in the school ________________ .

A. office
B. playground
C. garden
D. library

7. My pencil isn’t sharp anymore. I need a pencil ________________ .

A. sharpener
B. case
C. eraser
D. head

8. At lunchtime, you can ________________ lunch in the school canteen.

A. be
B. go
C. do
D. have

9. James ________________ letters to his friends every day.

A. sees
B. books
c. writes
D. receives

10. Cuong and Minh ________________ to school five times a week.

A. cycle
B. cycles
C. is cycling
D. are cycling

Đề cương ôn tập giữa học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh 6 i-Learn Smart World



– Present Simple ( Hiện tại đơn)

– Tobe: am,is,are (+)S+ V(s,es)

(-) S+ don’t/doesn’t+ V(o)

(?) Do/Don’t + S+ V(o)?


1. Like + V-ing : Thích làm gì

2. And, or: Nối ý với and , or

3. Possesive pronouns :mine, yours


– Present continous ( Hiện tại tiếp diễn)

S+ am/is/are+ V-ing



1. Choosethewordwhoseunderlinepartispronounceddifferentlyfromthe other.

1. A. biology

B. geography

C. chemistry

D. play

2. A. physics

B. maths

C. sciences

D. events

3. A. noticeboard

B. biology

C. technology

D. information

4. A. role

B. noticeboard

C. show

D. novel

5. A. novels

B. subjects

C. plays

D. capitals

6. A. glasses

B. watches

C. drives

D. chooses

7. A. pigs

B. plants

C. tables

D. computers

8. A. plates

B. posters

C. trees

D. songs

9. A. houses

B. pictures

C. wardrobes

D. bookshelves

10. A. mothers

B. centers

C. aunts

D. cousins

12. A. city

B. kite

C. ride

D. hide

13. A. begin

B. reduce

C. decide

D. next

14. A. laundry

B. gym

C. balcony

D. yard

15. A. nest

B. tallest

C. youngest

D. smallest

16. A. guitar

B. biscuit

C. build

D. suit

17. A. village

B. cottage

C. shortage

D. age

Tham Khảo Thêm:   Bộ đề ôn luyện VioEdu khối 2 Đấu trường Toán học VioEdu lớp 2

18. A. funny

B. lazy

C. friendly

D. why

19. A. T-shirts

B. sneakers

C. blanks

D. blanks

20. A. glasses

B. changes

C. movies

D. beaches

21. A. blond

B. vegetable

C. black

D. blanket

22. A. terrible

B. cable

C. syllable

D. block

23. A. funny

B. lazy

C. friendly

D. why

24. A. my

B. happy

C. hobby

D. factory

Exercise 2: Choosethe wordwhoseunderlinepartispronounceddifferentlyfromtheother

1. A. adventure

B. fantasy

C. mystery

D. history

2. A. education

B. information

C. intonation

D. television

3. A. drama

B. baseball

C. suggest

D. subject

4. A. literature

B. biology

C. activity

D. geography

5. A. music

B. soccer

C. physics

D. perform

6. A. drama

B. baseball

C. suggest

D. subject

7. A. literature

B. biology

C. activity

D. geography

8. A. music

B. soccer

C. physics

D. perform

9. A. fantasy

B. history

C. favorite

D. adventure

10.A. novel

B. decide

C. author

D. science


Exercise 1: Choose the correct answer.

1. Tuan often eats Banh mi for and Pho for lunch.

A. laundry
B. living room
C. breakfast
D. none is correct

2. My grandmother usually early to go jogging around the park.

A. gets up
B. got up
C. get up
D. will get up

3. This city is famous beautiful houses and museums.

A. of B. for
C. in
D. all are correct

4. Where live in this town?

A. does she
B. does you
C. do he
D. she does

5. There are many beautiful in this city.

A. apartments
B. dishes
C. mountains
D. subjects

6. My mother eating fast food or drinking coffee.

A. do not like
B. does not like
C. does not likes
D. do not likes

7. I have two and they students at primary school.

A. brothers/is
B. brother/are
C. brothers/are
D. both a and b are correct

8. you often go shopping with your mother?

A. Do
B. Does
C. What
D. Where

9. My parents like watching TV in the on weekends.

A. balcony
B. pool
C. living room
D. garage

10. Adrian: Excuse me, Alex. Do you live in a house? Sarah: No, . I live in an apartment.

A. I doesn’t
B. I don’t
C. It is not
D. I am not


Đề cương giữa kì 1 Tiếng Anh 6 – Friends Plus

Exercise 1: Write these questions for the underlined parts

1. My family usually go to pagodas on the first day of Tet.

2. Tet lasts ten days.

3. Before Tet, people should clean and decorate their houses .

4. People shouldn’t eat duck meat at Tet because it brings unluckiness .

5. We will visit our relatives on the second day of Tet .


6. Everest is over 60 million years old.

7. The Grand Canyon is in Arizona, USA.

8. Mount Everestis the highest mountain in the world.

9. Visitors can get to Angel Fails by boat.

10. Victoria Falls. Victoria Falls are twice as tall as Niagara Falls.

11. We have lived in New York for ten years.

12. The weather in Stockholm has been perfect.

13. He travelled to Mexico by train.

14. I play basketball every weekend.

15. Last night I watched a basketball match on TV.

Exercise 2: Write questions for the underlined parts

1. Jim usually plays volleyball in his free time.

2. He plays volleyball three times a week.

3. I started my hobby five years ago.

4. Tomorrowland is an electronic dance music festival

5. The Songkran Festival is usually celebrated between 13 and 16 April

6. The Vietnamese celebrate Tet with family gatherings, traditional foods, and lion dances

7. Many people went to Han Riverto witness the Danang International Fireworks Festival.

8. We should use biogas for cooking instead of gas.

9. People use solar power for heating or cooling the house.

10. Yaly Hydropower Plant was constructed in 1993.

11. The US spent 55 billion on energy research in 2015.

12. There are seven types of renewable energy.

13. Solar panels will be placed on the roofs of houses and buildings.

14. Children living in slums have more diseases because of poor living conditions.

15. Overcrowding causes problems such as housing, congestion, unemployment, etc.

16. Many people from the countryside are moving to big cities to find work.

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences

1. ……. Jack like eating hamburgers? => Yes, ……..

2. ……. you get up early on Sundays? => No, ……..

3. ……. the students always work hard for the exam? => No, ……..

4. ……. the train leave at noon every day? => Yes, ……..

5. ……. he often play the guitar? => No, ……..

6. ……. they take a taxi to school every morning? => Yes, ……..

7. ……. Anna and Daisy visit their old teachers on winter holidays? => No, ……..

8. ……. water boil at 100 degrees Celsius? => Yes, ……..

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences

1. Canada is ________ Spain (cold).

2. He is ______ me. (young)

Tham Khảo Thêm:   Quyết định 942/QĐ-BTC Danh mục Bảng giá tính lệ phí trước bạ ô tô, xe máy kèm theo Thông tư 304/2016/TT-BTC

3. Your bag is __________ my bag. (expensive)

4. DVD player is ________ TV. (cheap)

5. Jackie is _________ Minnie. (friendly)

6. Going trekking is ________ lying on the beach. (tired)

7. My laptop is _____ your laptop. (new)

8. My smart phone is ______ your smart phone. (old)

Exercise 5: Choose the best answer

1. Jane has already done her work , but I’m saving ……… until later

a. hers
b. her
c. mine
d. my

2. She has broken ……… arm.

a. hers
b. her
c. his

3. My car needs to be fixed, but ……… is working.

a. mine
b. his
c. our
d. their

4. (1)……… computer is a laptop, but (2)……… is a desktop.


a. hers
b. her
c. mine
d. my


a. you
b. your
c. yours
d. my

5. We gave them (1)……… ID number, and they gave us (2)……… .


a. ours
b. mine
c. our
d. yours


a. their
b. theirs
c. ours
d. mine

6. (1)……… pen is broken. Can I borrow (2)……… ?


a. Mine
b. My
c. Yours
d. You


a. your
b. yours
c. him
d. its

7. (1)……… motorbike is cheap, but (2)……… is expensive.


a. Ours
b. Our
c. Your
d. My


a. you
b. your
c. yours
d. my

8. You can’t have any fruit! It’s all ……… !

a. mine
b. my
c. ours
d. yours


Exercise 1: Write these questions for the underlined parts

1. Where do your family usually go on the first day of Tet?

2. How long does Tet last?

3. What should people do before Tet?

4. Why shouldn’t people eat duck meat at Tet?

5. When will you visit your relatives?

6. How old is Mt. Everest?

7. Where is the Grand Canyon?

8. What is the highest mountain in the world?

9. How can visitors get to Angel Falls?

10. Which is taller, Victoria Falls or Niagara Falls?

11. How long have you lived in New York?

12. How has the weather been like in Stockholm?

13. How did he travel to Mexico?

14. How often do you play basketball?

15. What did you do last night?

Exercise 2: Write questions for the underlined parts

1. What does Jim do in his free time?

2. How often does he play volleyball?

3. When did you start your hobby?

4. What is Tomorrowland?

5. When is the Songkran Festival usually celebrated?

6. How do Vietnamese celebrate Tet?

7. Where did many people go to witness the Danang International Fireworks Festival?

8. What should we use for cooking instead of gas?

9. What do people use for solar power for?

10. When was Yaly Hydropower Plant constructed?

11. How much did the US spend on energy research in 2015?

12. How many types of renewable energy are there?

13. Where will solar panels be placed?

14. Why do children living in slums have more diseases?

15. What does overcrowding cause?

16. Where many people from the countryside moving to find work?

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences

1. Does Jack like eating hamburgers? => Yes, he does.

2. Do you get up early on Sundays? => No, I don’t/ I do not.

3. Do the students always work hard for the exam? => No, they don’t/ they do not.

4. Does the train leave at noon every day? => Yes, it does.

5. Does he often play the guitar? => No, he doesn’t/ he does not.

6. Do they take a taxi to school every morning? => Yes, they do.

7. Do Anna and Daisy visit their old teachers on winter holidays? => No, they don’t/ they do not.

8. Does water boil at 100 degrees Celsius? => Yes, it does.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences

1. Canada is colder than Spain.

2. He is younger than me.

3. Your bag is more expensive than my bag.

4. DVD player is cheaper than TV.

5. Jackie is more friendly than Minnie.

6. Going trekking is more tired than lying on the beach.

7. My laptop is newer than your laptop.

8. My smart phone is older than your smart phone.

Exercise 5: Choose the best answer

1. Jane has already done her work, but I’m saving mine until later

2. She has broken her arm.

3. My car needs to be fixed, but his is working.

4. My computer is a laptop, but yours is a desktop.

5. We gave them our ID number, and they gave us theirs.

6. My pen is broken. Can I borrow yours?

7. Our motorbike is cheap, but yours is expensive.

8. You can’t have any fruit! It’s all mine!

Đề cương giữa kì 1 Tiếng Anh 6 – Explore English

Exercise 1. Choose the correct answer.

1) Is this cup ________ (your / yours)?

2) The coffee is ________ (my / mine).

3) That coat is ________ (my / mine).

4) He lives in________ (her / hers) house.

5) You might want ________ (your / yours) phone.

6) The new car is ________ (their / theirs).

7) She cooked ________ (our / ours) food.

8) Don’t stand on ________ (my / mine) foot!

9) She gave him ________ (her / hers) suitcase.

10) I met ________ (their / theirs) mother.

11) Is this________ (their / theirs) coffee?

12) Is the flat ________ (her / hers)?

13) The grey scarf is ________ (my / mine).

14) That red bike is ________ (our / ours).

Tham Khảo Thêm:   Bộ đề thi học kì 1 môn Hóa học lớp 12 năm 2023 – 2024 8 Đề thi học kì 1 Hóa 12 (Có ma trận, đáp án)

15) We should take ________ (our / ours) coats.

16) That is ________ (my / mine) car.

17) He dropped ________ (my / mine) bag.

18) Are these phones ________ (their / theirs)?

19) These cakes are________ (our / ours)!

20) Are those children ________ (your / yours)

Exercise 2. Write the correct form. Possessive ‘s or s’.

1. This is _______ book. (Peter)

2. Let’s go to the _______. (Smiths)

3. The _______ room is upstairs. (children)

4. _______ sister is twelve years old. (John)

5. _______ and _______ school is old. (Susan – Steve)

6. _______ shoes are on the second floor. (men)

7. My _______ car was not expensive. (parents)

8. _______ CD player is new. (Charles)

9. This is the _______ bike. (boy)

10. These are the _______ pencils. (boys)

Exercise 3. Complete the sentence.

1. __________ is your favorite singer? – BTS.

2. What’s Lien’s favorite movie? – _____ favorite movie is Hospital Playlist 2.

3. _________ Linda’s favorite actor? – Tom Holland is her favorite actor.

4. _________ his favorite sport? – Football is.

5. What’s your parents’ favorite TV show? – ______ is Who is billionaire?

Exercise 4. Choose the correct answer.

1) Is this book ____ (your / yours)?

2) The milk tea is ____ (my/mine).

3) Those shoes are ____ (our/ ours).

4) She lives in ____ (her/hers) house.

5) You might want ____ (her/ hers) number

6) The new album is ____ (their/theirs).

7) She cooked ____ (my/mine) food.

8) Don’t stand on ____ (my/mine) foot!

9) She gave him ____ (her/hers) student card.

10) I met ____ (their/theirs) mother.

Exercise 5. Which one is correct?

1. I think New York is more expensive/expensiver than Pari.

2. Is the North Sea more big/bigger than the Mediterranean Sea?

3. Are you a better/good job than your sister?

4. My mom’s funny/funnier than your mom!

5. Crocodiles are more dangerous than/as fish.

6. Math is badder/worse than chemistry.

7. Cars are much more safer/much safer than motorbikes.

8. Australia is far/further hotter than Ireland.

9. It is strange but often a coke is more expensive/ expensiver than a beer.

10. Non-smokers usually live more long/longer than smokers.

Exercise 6. Fill in the blank with a suitable question word

How many, how much, how often, how high, how tall, how much, how old, how

1. ………………is she? 1m45

2. ………………is a bottle of cooking old? 25,000 dong

3. ………………do you go to school? By bus.

4. ………………does Mr. Hung go to the cinema? Twice a week.

5. ………………apples do you want? Half a dozen.

6. ………………is this mountain? 30 meters height.

7. ………………is Ba? He is 12 years old.

8. ………………rice does Mr. Hai produce? He produces a lot of rice.


Exercise 1. Choose the correct answer.

1 – yours; 2 – mine; 3 – mine;

4 – her; 5 – your; 6 – theirs;

7 – our ; 8 – my; 9 – her;

10 – their; 11 – their; 12 – hers;

13 – mine; 14 – ours; 15 – our ;

16 – my; 17 – my; 18 – theirs;

19 – ours; 20 – yours;

Exercise 2. Write the correct form. Possessive ‘s or s’.

1. This is Peter’s book.

2. Let’s go to the Smiths’.

3. The children’s room is upstairs.

4. John’s sister is twelve years old.

5. Susan and Steve’s school is old.

6. Men’s shoes are on the second floor.

7. My parents’ car was not expensive.

8. Charles’s CD player is new.

9. This is the boy’s bike.

10. These are the boys’ pencils.

Exercise 3. Complete the sentence.

1. Who is your favorite singer? – BTS.

2. What’s Lien’s favorite movie? – Her favorite movie is Hospital Playlist 2.

3. Who’s Linda’s favorite actor? – Tom Holland is her favorite actor.

4. What’s his favorite sport? – Football is.

5. What’s your parents’ favorite TV show? – Theirs is Who is billionaire?

Exercise 4. Choose the correct answer.

1) Is this book yours?

2) The milk tea is mine.

3) Those shoes are ours.

4) She lives in her house.

5) You might want her number

6) The new album is theirs.

7) She cooked my food.

8) Don’t stand on my foot!

9) She gave him her student card.

10) I met their mother.

Exercise 5. Which one is correct?

1. expensive

2. bigger

3. better

4. funnier

5. than

6. worse

7. much safer

8. far

9. expensive

10. longer.

Exercise 6. Fill in the blank with a suitable question word

1. How tall is she? 1m45.

2. How much is a bottle of cooking old? 25,000 dong

3. How do you go to school? By bus.

4. How often does Mr. Hung go to the cinema? Twice a week.

5. How many apples do you want? Half a dozen.

6. How high is this mountain? 30 meters height.

7. How old is Ba? He is 12 years old.

8. How much rice does Mr. Hai produce? He produces a lot of rice.


>> Tải file để tham khảo trọn bộ đề cương giữa kì 1 Tiếng Anh 6!

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